
Calendar Dark Mode is a Google Chrome extension that adds a dark mode to Google Calendar with a focus on simplicity. It's highly customizable, allowing users to change the theme, accent colours, and more.

UW Map is a web application that allows students to find their way around the University of Waterloo campus. It features a responsive, interactive map with a variety of useful features and helpful data.

Achieve is a dynamic goal-setting app that helps you organize your life by setting and achieving your goals. You can easily create, track, and manage your personal and professional goals, ensuring that you stay motivated.

Mini Projects

Pong rendition written in Python. Includes a player control console and Darwinian bot progression.

A customizable mini golf game with shared user-generated levels stored in a real-time database.

A probability dice game keeping track of multiple user metrics. Final project for ICS3U.

An extensive physics strategy game with a focus on orbital mechanics and unique gameplay.

My old portfolio website which was made using vanilla HTML, CSS and JS.